Cleaning & Sanitation

Cleaning & Sanitation

Cleaning & Sanitation

Cleaning and sanitation are two things we can’t stress enough in pest control. While general cleaning is good for removing all food spills and debris, sanitation involves the removal of any bacteria buildup that come as a result of decaying food or fermenting liquids. 

In pest control, our philosophy is based on the fact that we cannot prevent a pest from entering your home or building. What we are able to do is prevent them from taking up residence and infesting the premises. 

Cleaning and sanitation are especially important in food handling facilities such as warehouses and restaurants. Pests of all kind only require food, water and shelter to survive and every home, food plant, restaurant and warehouse provide these elements. As a result, these facilities are always at risk of attracting pests from German or American cockroaches, mice (all three of which can be imported unknowingly) and Norway rats, which have become a prolific issue for New Providence as a result of poor trash handling practices.

Proper cleaning ensures that any pest presence is short-lived by quickly cleaning up any food spills and practicing proper food storage and trash handling. Proper sanitation which makes use of professional grade sanitizers and disinfectants makes certain that any deadly bacteria traveling along with these pests are also removed. 

Think about the common places just about every pest frequents or feeds from: sewers, animal feces and remains, garbage bins, and filthy drains. Now, think about these very pests crawling over food prep stations, kitchen tables and counters, drink stations and cutlery. Without proper sanitation the development and spread of disease is almost inevitable.

A pest management professional can “spray” as indiscriminately as you request but if they’re not encouraging you to implement effective cleaning and sanitation practices, you’ll experience pest related issues that seem to only get worse.

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