House Mouse

House Mouse

How to Identify House Mouse

Latin Name

Mus Musculus


Other identifications for them are common house mouse and domestic house mouse. They have excellent especially good hearing, vision, smell and touch. These traits have made them highly versatile in homes and the interior of buildings. All house mice need is a ¼” opening in order to access a building. Which allows them to have access to many places along a particular building’s perimeter.

Scientific Name - Mus Musculus meaning “little thief”
Color - Dusty gray
Weight - ½ to 1 ounce
Length - 2 ½ to 4 inches
Tail Length - as long as body, up to four(4) inches
Body - Small head and slender body
Ears - Moderately large ears
Eyes - Small and a little protruding, they are colorblind
Lifespan - 1-2 years
Droppings - ¼ inch long including pointy ends and dark color

The daily diet of the house mouse utilizes moisture in the food they consume, which is usually 1/10 of an ounce per day. Those foods consist of meats, cereal grains and seeds. House mice generally live throughout the U.S and parts of Canada. They tend to nest in cluttered corner areas (interior), the base voids of appliances and less than 30 ft from their food source. House mice are nocturnal and the bulk of their feeding occurs 30 minutes after sunset and before sunrise. During their reproduction they produce 5-7 pups per litter and have 6-10 litters per year. After spawning they achieve sexual maturity after one month, and the gestation period (fetus development) is 20 days. Lastly their breeding period whilst indoors is all-year round, and outdoors is Spring & Fall.



Glue boards that come in sets of two (2). These are made to catch both rats and mice.