American Cockroach

American Cockroaches

How to Identify American Cockroaches

Latin Name

Periplaneta americana


American Cockroach (periplaneta americana): This sub species of the cockroach more likely derived from Northern Africa or different parts of Asia, but has infiltrated ports of entry and can now be found globally. It occurs in The Bahamas as a common interior and exterior pest. Common in landscape plantings, sewers (sesspits), storm drain systems and the lower spaces of structures in which moisture is higher. They tend to feed on both carbohydrate and protein based materials, including human hair and nails. Each female produces around ten (10) egg capsules and each capsule hold approximately fifteen (15) eggs, which hatch after forty-five (45) days. Afterwards they reach the adult stage at around 450 days ( may take two years in cold climates). They have a life span of 1 to 3 years.



A liquid insecticide that can be used to treat general pests or bed bugs depending on the rate at which it’s mixed.


This is an insectidice/termicidal chemical product (repellent) to be used for both crawling and flying insects once the proper concentration is taken into consideration. 32oz size bottle.