Wood Rat

Wood Rat

How to Identify Wood Rat

Latin Name

Neotoma SPP


Other identifications include packrat and trade rat, solidifying the nickname “packrat”, this rodent is specifically fond of shiny objects and will put down whatever it’s carrying to collect the trinket instead. Woodrats gnaw on fruit trees, furniture, ,mattress beding, wires, conduits and paper products within homes Serious financial loss is also contributed to them from homeowners and the farming industry.

Scientific Name: Neotoma SPP. meaning “rodent that cuts with its teeth”
Color: Ranges - brown, gray and black
Weight: 10 to 16 ounces; same size as norway rat
Length: 7 inches
Tail Length: 7 inches shorter than the body
Body: Thick, rounded body; professionals describe as a “giant hamster” very long, soft fine fur
Eyes: Bulging black eyes
Lifespan: 3 years
Droppings: ½ inch long; oval shaped; found in piles

The daily diet of the wood rat intakes 1-2 ounces of water daily and consumes 0.1-2 ounces of food per day. Those foods consist of vegetables, twigs, seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, insects, small mammals, birds; Wood rats nesting inside homes often continue to feed outside.. Wood Rats live throughout the US, however are absent from New England & Great Lakes states. They nest in stick houses under porches, inside sheds, attica, soffits, hard to reach wall & ceiling voids; similar to roof rats. Their home roaming range is with ¾ of an acre. Wood rats are nocturnal but common to see juveniles during the daytime and the bulk of their feeding occurs 30 minutes after sunset and before sunrise. During their reproduction they produce 2-4 pups per litter and have 1-4 litters per year. After spawning they achieve sexual maturity after 2-3 months, and the gestation period (fetus development) is 38 days. Lastly their breeding period is outdoors and is in the Spring .




These rodent bait stationsare manufactured using a hard plastic as a safety measure, along with utilizing a key for added security against children and pets. They also have a flat form factor and are black in color. There are holes on both sides as entry/exit points and steel rods are included with each station, which are used for bait placement.


A rodent trap that has a triggered mechanism. Bait should be placed on the trigger function to attract the rodent specimen. This trap has cerated edges.