Signs of a Fly Infestation

Signs of a Fly Infestation

If you start to notice an increase in the number of flies you see in your business or home, you may have a fly infestation. Here are some signs you should look out for it you believe you do have an infestation.


Maggots are flies when they are in their larval stage. If you see maggots this can be a potential sign of a breeding area. Be sure to check near and around, inside and outside garbage areas.


These spots are as small as a pinhead. They may appear on walls, ceilings, light fixtures, in drains or broken tiling.


This is the most obvious sign of an infestation. You will find an increased presence of flies around rain gutters, pools, and any other source of standing water. Be sure to inspect the base of garbage bins and the areas around them.

Flies have no place in your home or business. If you see signs of flies, Struckum Commercial Pest Services has the solution. You can visit the Struckum Shop to find the best products to prevent a fly population in your home. Businesses can also manage and prevent flies by contacting Struckum Commercial Pest Services to acquire a comprehensive GHP program.

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