Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter Ants

Think you may have Carpenter ants nesting in your building? Check for these signs to confirm:

  1. Moisture build up in the building – in many cases Carpenter ants make their nest in wood that has been wet,
  2. Heavy activity in a particular area; particularly around any leaking plumbing or drains, or unvented dishwashers, or icemakers,
  3. Tiny piles of what appears to be sawdust on windowsills, or at the base of walls.

What can you do?

  1. Replace any infested structural wood
  2. Ventilate areas where moisture builds up (this may call for some structural repairs)
  3. Caulk or screen all potential ant entryways
  4. Trim trees where branches touch the structure or overhang roofs (sometimes complete tree removal is necessary).
  5. Contact Struckum to eliminate Carpenter ant colonies and nesting sites 
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