Argentine Ant

Argentine Ant

How to Identify Argentine Ant

Latin Name

Iridomyrmex humilis


Argentine Ant (Iridomyrmex humilis): These ants are thought to have come from Brazil in cargo ships transporting coffee in the early 1890’s. Argentine ants ( which are a single node species) can now be found throughout the Bahamasi, and on most continents throughout the world. The Argentine ant is a small, non stinging ant and it is a very territorial and aggresive ant that will drive away or kill competing ant species Colonies contain thousands of workers and many queens, and mating takes place within the confines of the colony. New colonies are often formed by separating from the parent colony and the nesting usually occurs in soil, commonly under concrete slabs but can also be found in other convenient voids such as: in trees, wall voids, under insulation, or under debris on the soil.

Color: Dull gray-black to gray-brown color
Body: The first segment of the antenna is not longer than the head, and the legs are not noticeably long, as compared with the crazy ant.
Size: 2.5 mm long



A liquid insecticide that can be used to treat general pests or bed bugs depending on the rate at which it’s mixed.


This is an insectidice/termicidal chemical product (repellent) to be used for both crawling and flying insects once the proper concentration is taken into consideration. 32oz size bottle.


Interior use ant bait that is safe to utilize in kitchens and near food items (ingredient cupboards and pantries).