German Cockroach

German Cockroach

How to Identify German Cockroach

Latin Name

Blattella germanica


German Cockroach (Blattella germanica) : The German roach originally came from shipping ports in Western Africa, and was transported through commerce e.g slavery to Europe but is now found throughout the world.

The German roach is nocturnal, always avoids light, cannot fly and will predominantly be found indoors. Infestations more popularly start with the introduction of roaches in packages. This species procreates at a rapid rate with females pricing an average of 5 egg capsules in their lifetime, each capsule containing 30 eggs within it. They take about # months to mature into a full adult. Which allows for a new generation each quarter. The females live for about 200 days.

Color: tan to brown
Body: small with two dark longitudinal stripes on it’s prothorax
Size: Adults reach ½ inch in length



This product comes in a syringe and is best used for German roaches. When this product is being used, no repellent sprays or aresoles should be used, as they will deter the insects from the bait.


These stations are focused towards Gemran roaches and contain bait at the center of each station. The roaches collect the bait, ingest it and then take some back to the colony. This creates a dominos effect which is why the product is so effective.