What German Cockroaches Love?

What German Cockroaches Love?

German cockroaches love heat and humidity making it no surprise to find them above or under heat-generating appliances, especially in commercial kitchens. Poor sanitation practices like improperly cleaned surfaces and food buildup under and behind appliances further create ideal conditions for these rapidly reproducing pests to feed and thrive. 


One of the biggest failures we experience in the field is improper sanitation. Some of the main key factors of pest control is removing all harborage sites for invading pests. This means checking above, behind, underneath and around appliances and other obstructions that can provide the perfect hiding and breeding site for some unsightly creatures. 

German cockroaches, for example, live in areas of high humidity and nearby food. They prefer and will find harborage into which they can fit closely. It is only as the number of roaches increase and preferred harborage is filled that roaches are forced to leave the aggregation and thus spread into other areas.

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