13 Nov What is the best ant killer on the market?
What is the best ant killer on the market?
The brand Terro has many different products specifically designed to kill and deter ants from coming into your home. Terro Outdoor Liquid Baits can be left outside to keep the ants from coming into your house in the first place. They also have Terro Indoor Ant Baits for when the ants are already coming into your home. The Indoor Ant Bait can be left around the area the ants are and they will take it back with them to their colonies and die from the toxicity of the bait. Terro also has a different Home Insect Killer in a spray bottle that can be used inside or outside to keep up to 65 different types of insects away.
The main ingredient of the Terro products is borax, which can be found in other products as well.
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